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#564 – Using clarity template for component only

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Tuesday, 02 April 2019 11:23 CEST
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AdsManager version :

Hi. I bought your full premium package.
My site is using a different template than yours, but I'd like for the adsmanager component itself to use the adsclarity template. How can we do that?

The layout of the categories at, say, is so much nicer than at

I should be able to use that even if my site template isn't adsclarity. How can I do that?

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Tuesday, 02 April 2019 13:10 CEST

In the menu item pointing to the adsmanager, page, you can choose to use the adsclarity template.

However, it will also change the other elements like the menus and footer.

Another solution is to copy-paste the content of the folder templates/adsclarity/html/com_adsmanager/ to your template, but you will also need to load the template css for that to work.

Best regards.
Tuesday, 02 April 2019 13:13 CEST
Great. Can you give me the exact step by step to load the template css for that to work, as you said?
Wednesday, 03 April 2019 13:13 CEST

In the view, you need to add the css at the beginning of the file :
$document = JFactory::getDocument();

Best regards.

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