AdsManager ChangeLog
Fix: add htmlspecialchars on category helper select
Fix: multiple category
Fix: Add Param to display or not the text field in the search module
Fix: Remove some PHP notices
Fix: Unlimited duration not working properly
New: set -1 by default for unlimited of ads per category when create a new category
New: MinMax Search for number and price
New: Load English first then other language
New: Add fields filter in admin
Fix: Fix bad syntax in languages packs
New: Selection of category is mandatory in field edition (no avoid field not displayed)
Fix: PHP Error TPermission not defined Joomla 1.5
Fix: Remove extra <br/> on field value display for radio + url field type
New: Increase image quality to 100%
Fix: remove notice: Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$currency_symbol in /home/www/clients/client1/web24/web/components/com_adsmanager/helpers/field.php on line 212
New: change version of XML (2.5 used not the same xml than 3.0)
Invoicing ChangeLog
Fix: Net and Gross Amount inversion in database
Fix: Configuration not saved under 1.5
Fix: In some case, error during installation on Joomla 1.5
Fix: Prevent PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in com_invoicing\\lib\\core.php on line 32
Fix: Error in french language
Fix: PDF generation issue (if template was not saved at least one time)
Fix: Missing INVOICING_COMMON_ORDER in english translation file
Fix: users view with CB active not working
Fix: Bug in paypal plugin
Fix: CSV error if trying to generate CSV and invoice number = 0
Fix: Changes Default values for CSV
PaidSystem Changelog
Fix: Bad javascript price computation in the write form for multiple categories
Fix: remove strict warning time mod_paidsystem_feat
Fix: Error with User Permissions
Fix: Ads on "global map" not filter on fields
Fix: Unlimited duration
Fix: Some taxes missing in computeCost function
New: Load English first + admin then other language
Fix: Carousel not working correctly if without images
Fix: add json_encode on float number for gmap plugin (error in only french locale on unix server)
Fix: Improve cascade jquery parent selector to prevent javascript error if module is published on the same page than advacned search
Fix: bad lib/core.php include order, => white page with mod_advancedsearch module
Fix: config.xml missing
VirtualMoney ChangeLog
Fix: Configuration not saved under Joomla! 1.5
Fix: Remove some PHP warnings
Fix: Update code to inverse Net/Gross
Fix: module wrong credits displayed