How to customize the components rendering ?
When you want to modify the display of a component's page, you can create a file who will replace the original component's view. This is called 'Template Override'.
A template override will not affect the original files of the component, but your files will be used instead of the originals.
Uses this functionnality is highly recommended, otherwise, by modify directly the component files, each modification will be deleted at each updates of the component.
How to override each view in your components ?
How to change a label or sentence in a page ?
If you want to modify the label or the text in a component without modify the language file, it's called 'Language Override'.
Basicly, you tell the software to use your label instead of the one from the original language file.
How do i set my own text ?
How to override CSS , JS and Images ?
Two file are overridable in AdsManager, the first is the nopic image and the second, the adsmanager.css file.
To replace the nopic image by yours without modify the original file, just put yours in 'templates/yourTemplateName/html/com_adsmanager/images/nopic.gif'.
To replace the css file by yours without modify the original file, just put yours in 'templates/yourTemplateName/html/com_adsmanager/css/adsmanager.css'.
Please note that the files must have the same name as the originals.
The same process is used for the css and js files.
For override the css, js and images files of the components VirtualMoney and Invoicing, you need to put the files in a 'media' folder instead of the 'html' folder. For example, to replace the invoicing.css file, you need to put yours in '/templates/yourTemplateName/media/com_invoicing/css/invoicing.css'.
How do i change the date format in AdsManager ?
You can modify the date format of AdsManager by creating a language override of the corresponding language string.
The language string of the date format is: ADSMANAGER_DATE_FORMAT_LC
I want to develop a plugin for adsmanager, do you have some API documentation ?
Unfortunately not yet, but it's planned, if you need some vital informations you stil can contact us using the link on the bottom of this page.