Fix: > due to multiple htmlspecialchars
Fix: Check limit ads only on new ad and ad category changed
Fix: Avoid issue if limit ads is not set in each category
Fix: controller.php $authorisedCategory not working porperly
Fix: fix youtube plugin to be able to set a price for this field
Fix: remove notice : Notice: Undefined variable: urloptions in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/bal/modules/mod_adsmanager_global_filter/mod_adsmanager_global_filter.php on line 59
Fix: placeholder in advanced search
Fix: Improve tmp filename to avoid conflict with windows server
Fix: Silver Package Error (no mod_paidsystem_feat at installation)
Fix: allow .info extension in email
Fix: Bug in install script for update db
Fix: Missing Translation
Fix: integration with CB error with cb_adress1 (missing 1 in cb_address1)
Fix: Improve router.php
Fix: remove notice Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$ref in /kunden/362350_49214/rp-hosting/TBit-K200139/TBit-A400142/joomla2.5/administrator/components/com_invoicing/helpers/format.php on line 480.
Fix: Invoicing Router missing loading of Lang
Fix: add trim around currency code check to avoid bad configuration
Fix: Avoid issue if limit ads is not set in each category
Fix: Notice: $conf->usergroups_nolimit
Fix: Change catsid type to TEXT if lot of categories
Fix: Improve Router VirtualMoney
New: Add $source_id for addCredits and removeCredits