Maintenance Release
Fix: SQL error if cron activated "ordering" doesn't exist.
Fix: PHP Warning: implode(): in controllers/fields.php on line 87
New: Support CB 2.0.X
Fix: No more offset between the search fields
Fix: If no image no slider displayed
Fix: Chosen form now translatable
Fix: Little workaround on conditional field not displayed the first time but with initial value
Fix: prevent SQL error with rootid incorrect
Fix: Bug in admin with jQuery not loaded in 2.5 replace jQuery by jQ
Fix: Don't fill IP field with admin IP in backend if IP value is empty
Fix: Plugin captcha
Fix: Syntax PHP Error generate PHP Notice
Fix: Fix Javascript Error if top/featured/highlight not set
Fix: CB plugins for 1.9.x and 2.0.x
Fix: INVOICING_NO_TAX translation added
Fix: Sh404 language
New: Customer can edit Invoicing Profile from the frontend
Fix: CB plugins for 1.9.x and 2.0.x
Fix: sh404 language
New: Change the default order page to be more simple
Fix: Default tax is now 20%
Fix : The customer notes works correctly now.