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Accueil / Products / AdsManager / Uncategorised / Usersubs new

AdsManager Create your classified website easily

The fastest way to grow your business with the leader in classified ads for Joomla.

AdsManager - End of life

It is with great regrets that we have chosen to end the developpement of Adsmanager and its other associated components.

AdsManager is born 10 years ago and, as of today, the number of new subscriptions and downloads have fallen and we cannot maintain the component anymore.

All active subscribers will be able to continue enjoying support until the end of their subscription.

The components will be free and no support will be provided anymore for the other users.


Try Now !
59.99 € Only!


UserSubs is a powerful user subscriptions tool, built with ergonomy and customization in mind.

Whether you are managing a small website or a huge one with thousands of members, you'll find in userSubs an incredibly simple and fast tool to manage your free and paid subscriptions.

Created to be intuitive and used by non technicians, our interface will permit you to create complex subscription schemes in minutes.

Our subscriptions can fit every domain with a few to no extra customization, thanks to the interface and the code structure.

UserSubs is developer-friendly too, the code has been organized to be easily extendable. Good news, we use MVC !

 Admin Panel

Backend Administration Panel. You can set as many subscription types you need, however for most case, only one with multiple duration will be needed.

In the creation form of a subscription type, you can set:

  • Set multiple durations and prices
  • Set a renew discounts before and/or after the expiration of the subscription.
  • Send multiples notifications to the subscribers before the expiration of their subscription.


And in the 'Actions' tab, you will find each plugins enabled for usersubs, the first and most important is the plugin Usergroups, it allow you to add the user to a new usergroup when the subscription is enabled and to remove the user for said group when the subscription expire.



Soon, others plugins will be available, for now, you can enable the plugin Virtualmoney to grant bonus credit to a new subscriber or to specify a credit price for the durations.

Note : The payment plugin 'VirtualMoney' must be enabled and configured



The suscribers view is a easy way to see all your subscribers, the filters will allow you to order or filter the list regarding your needs.

Not matter how many renew the subscriber made, only one line will be shown with all the details for the subscriptions, like the last payment, the first subscription date or the expiration date. A new line will be added only if the user subcribe to another subscription type.


 This view allow the administrator to create, edit or delete existing subscriptions. In this view are listed all the subscriptions even the one left unpaid by the users.

The subscribers view is automatically updated after every action done in the subscription view.

You can also easily see which subscriptions are paid or not and active or not.


Plugins System 

Easy Plugins System. The plugin system used the Joomla Plugins installer to add/remove new plugins

Current plugins

  • Usergroups
  • Virtualmoney

If you need a specific plugin for a component or another paramters (like languages etc..) don't hesitate to contact us to tell us we could add it.

Frontend Views

Three views are available with Usersubs.


The types view will displayed every subscription types saved in the component, each details of the types will also be displayed.







This view will only displayed one subscription type selected by the administrator in the menu link creation.




My Subscription

This view allow the user to quickly see the state of his differents subscriptions, he can also renew them if he wish too, the duration of the renewed subscription will be added to the remaining time before expiration.

Integration with AdsManager

Usersubs changes the usergroups of the users by using the subscription.

In AdsManager, a lot of settings are working with the usergroups, this allow you to configure AdsManager to work with Usersubs.

By creating profiles, you can :

  • Limit the number of ads that can be posted by the profiles
  • Make all categories free for one or more profiles
  • Limit the number of images for the profiles
  • ...