Field Types & Categories
The first step when creating a classified ads website is to determine the categories and the content of the ads.
If you want to create car classifield ads or a real estate website, the visitor will use different forms depending on the type of ad they are accessing.
AdsManager allows you to assign fields to categories. So, depending on the selected category relevent fields will be displayed while non-applicable ones will be hidden.
Fields can be of different types: select list, radio buttons, text field, text area, Date, Price, GMap, Youtube, etc... AdsManager contains a large number of field types and new kinds of field types can be added using plugins.
You will can also allow ads to be placed in multiple categories
Customizable Views
AdsManager allows you to easily adapt the list and detail views. Using the administation module, you can add new columns to the list view, create and order fields in the details views, hide parts of the ad for non registered users, and choose several image effects. All this is possible without writing a single line of code.
Since Version 2.6.X, Adsmanager has been fully rewritten using the Joomla MVC Architecture.
This design allows for a clean separation between "views" and "models". So, it's really easy to adapt the HTML output to your needs either manually or using the Joomla! template override system.
Configuration Options
AdsManager is one of the most used classified ads system for Joomla thanks to a large number of configuration options, such as:
Ad Creation:
- Allow Visitors to post ads
- Post ads and create a user account in a single form
User Contact:
- Private Messaging between users
- Contact Form or "Text as Image" to avoid spam (direct email display)
- Hide User Contact for unregistered visitors.
- User Community Builder Profile
- Explicit Language Filter
- Expiration Management
Advanced Search System
Classified ads websites must have a powerful search system.
With Adsmanager you can offer several ways to search:
Simple Search, Advanced Search, Sort Ads, Search Module
All Ad fields may be exposed as search fields in advanced search mode.
To avoid spam, you can activate the integrated captcha system for the ad submission and the contact form
Image Uploader
As of version 2.7, AdsManager includes a powerful Ajax Image Uploader powered by plupload
This allows you to upload files using HTML5 Gears, Silverlight, Flash, BrowserPlus or normal forms, providing powerful features such as upload progress, image resizing and multipart uploads.
Image Display
AdsManager allows you to add images to ads. The image is automaticaly resized and a thumbnail is generated.
A watermark can also be added to the images.
AdsManager contains several javascript effects to display the images: Lytebox, Zoom, Popup.
Email Templates
As of version 2.7, you can customize AdsManager emails in the administration module, using a powerful tag system.
You can create full HTML mail or simple text mail based on your needs!!
SEO-Friendly URls
For you website to succeed you must be well-referenced by web search engines such as Google.
One key for being well referenced is to activate SEF functionnality. AdsManager is compatible with the native Joomla SEF system and is also compatible with sh404SEF using a plugin.
AdsManager provides 3 ways to manage metadata for your ads.
- Full Automatic: all metadata data are generated based on the content of the ad
- Automatic in Frontend / Manual in Backoffice: the admin can set manually
- Full Manual: the admin and the user can set the metadata manually
With AdsManager, you can natively integrate Google Maps into every ad.
Social Networks
AdsManager provides plugins to share ads using major social networks such as Facebook, Digg, Twitter, Google+
Third Party Extensions
One of the strengths of Joomla! is the number of available extensions.
AdsManager provides a large number of connectors to interface with the major Joomla! extensions
- AcyMailing: Newsletter
- Community Builder: User Profile
- sh404SEF: URL rewrite
- XMap: XML mapsite Generator
- UddeIM: Private Messaging
- Geocode Factory : Google Map Display
Payment Systems
PaidSystem is the AdsManager extension that allows you to charge your visitor for posting ads.
With PaidSystem you can start making money with AdsManager.
How does it work?
Credit System
- Users buy credits using a pricing scale of your choice. Payment can be made using several payment gateways. Currently paypal and are supported out of the box.
- Users post ads with possible premium options for additional credits (see paid options page)
- Upon ad creation credits are debited from User's Credits
The credit system require the VitrualMoney component for create and manage your virtual currency.
Pay per ad
- Users write an ad, select a duration and chosses possible premium options
- A summary of the order is displayed, the user can select a payment method (offline, paypal,...)
- The ad is published
The pay per ad system require the Invoicing component for generate and manage invoices.
Payment Options
The strength of PaidSystem is the number of configuration options.
PaidSystem allows much greater flexibility beyond simply free or paid ads.
You can:
- Charge per category: set a single price to post an ad or set different prices per category (some free some paid categories) or set a price for the first categories and then an additional cost for additional categories.
- Charge based on duration: you can create different durations at different prices.
- Premium fields: If the user wants to set his "phone number" for example, this can configured as a premium field.
- Charge for additional images
- Charge for Highlighted and Featured Ads
- Charge to Bring to Top every day or Stay at Top of the list