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Accueil / Support / Documentation / PaidSystem Doc

PaidSystem AdsManager Payment System

Start making business with AdsManager with PaidSystem (Including in Silver/Gold AdsManager pack !)

AdsManager - End of life

It is with great regrets that we have chosen to end the developpement of Adsmanager and its other associated components.

AdsManager is born 10 years ago and, as of today, the number of new subscriptions and downloads have fallen and we cannot maintain the component anymore.

All active subscribers will be able to continue enjoying support until the end of their subscription.

The components will be free and no support will be provided anymore for the other users.

Category Pricing

There are three possible configurations for the categories.

1. Set a price for all the categories

You can set a general price for all your categories in the configuration page of PaidSystem.

You just have to fill the 'Category Price' field with the price you want.

2. Set different prices for the categories

Click on the 'Categories' link of the PaidSystem submenu.

This page displays a table listing all the categories configured in the AdsManager component. But unlike AdsManager, you can assign a specific price to the desired category.

Note: Before adding a price to a category, you must first take a look to two restrictions noted in the top.
1. You can assign a price to a category only if you set the 'Extra Categories' parameter to 0 in the PaidSystem configuration.
2. You can assign a price to a category only if you forbid the ability to post an ad in multiple categories.
These restrictions are present to prevent users from paying for the same category more than once.

To add a price, check the 'Specific' check box for the field corresponding to your category.

Once checked, a new text field appears, you only have to fill this field and submit the form.

Tips : in this page, you can also define a price for all the supplemental images the user might want add to its ads.

3. Set a specific price for all the additionnal categories

This solution work only in multiple categories mode.

You can set the maximum number of categories that can be selected by filling the field 'Nb. Categories Suppl.'.

The price of the first selected category will be the one set to the 'Category Price' field.
All the others categories selected after the first will cost the amount specified in the 'Additionnal Category Price'.